The Art & Science of Fighting

Cross Training in the Pure Arts of Kung Fu + Jiu Jitsu + Muay Thai Boxing

In 1967 Bruce Lee introduced a rarely done concept to the world of martial arts with the idea of cross training fighting arts originally practiced indpendently from each other. Again in 1993 a famous Brazilian Jiu Jitsu family named Gracie put a spot light on the similarities and differences between various martial arts in what was known as the Ulimate Fighting Championship, broadcasted internationally. Over the years since then a consistent pattern emerged from hundreds of professional fights as well as repeated research from militaries and law enforcement around the world. The (3) martial arts: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kung Fu and Muay Thai Boxing only when combined together offer the most complete and effortlessly dominant fighting system available to the world.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has proven to be the unmatched martial art for any form of grappling between opponents. Jiu Jitsu's routine dominance in the first decade of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, which included a host of various martial arts, made this very clear. In the world of striking arts on the other hand, Muay Thai Kickboxing has emerged as the undisputed king. The immense power generated from the strikes of short and skinny native fighters in Thailand caught the world's attention. Lastly, the Chinese martial art Kung Fu showcases the most comprehensive system for developing power and flow in the heat of a fight. There is a reason Kung Fu has been practiced for hundreds of years in China. Kung Fu's focus on body mechanics and internal energies is unparalleled.


Rooted in tradition and built from intense analysis of how the human anatomy works, Kung Fu optimizes the body to its highest level.


Size, speed, age and/or strength have no advantage over a jiu jitsu practictioner. The go to art for self defense.


Muay Thai Kickboxing doubles as an unbelievable workout plus the skills to dish out or defend all/any strike.


The structure and drive behind Cleveland Tactical Jiu Jitsu is to train and drill for effortless self-defense. Period. The core of the jiu jitsu curriculum stems from the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Self-Defense Combatives System. Unlike most (sport) BJJ classes this class will focus 80-90% of technique on the feet vs traditional BJJ that focuses 80-90% of technique on ground work. Kung Fu and Muay Thai Boxing supplement the jiu jitsu training to complete the fight spectrum for a powerful and comprehensive skillset.

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